As we already know, Destiny 2 release date is September 6th on consoles and October 24 for PC. And Bungie announced the Destiny 2 open beta for ALL the platforms!
As we already know, Destiny 2 release date is September 6th on consoles and October 24 for PC. And Bungie announced the Destiny 2 open beta for ALL the platforms!
We’ve been collecting rumors about Assassin’s Creed new game (looks like it will be called Origins, but we’re not sure yet), and now we’re ready to tell you what’s going on with it. There’s been a huge thread on 4chan, then all the received info transferred to Reddit.
I honestly wonder how a movie can be that good. I’ve been to the cinema on May 10th and I still can’t concentrate, that’s how excited and tuned I am after watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.
Outlast 2 release date (April 25th, 2017) has passed, and I’ve had a chance to play this game. The first part — Outlast — came out in 2013.
Mass Effect Andromeda release date is today: March 21st. That’s why GameSpace team decided to sum up all the impressions gained from Mass Effect Andromeda gameplay we could experience last week after the preload became available.
If someone would ask us to review Resident Evil 7 in three words we’d say "accomplished, terrifying, amazing". A week passed after the Resident Evil 7: Biohazard release date (January 24th, 2017), and we hope you’ve had an opportunity to play this awesome survival-horror game.
We’ve concentrated mostly on PC projects while we were talking about most anticipated 2017 games, now we’re about to reveal Xbox One games that are said to come out during this year. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series (Consoles, PC, mobile devices - Mid 2017) The movie conquered hearts of people from different generations: Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is a pleasant, kind and funny movie with perfect musical fulfillment.
Assassin’s Creed 2016 Movie premiere has passed by a few days ago. Yesterday GameSpace team had a chance to see the Creed Movie and we’re ready to share our impressions about it!
2016 is coming to the end, as you could have noticed - this year was full of incredible releases, such as Mafia 3, No Man’s Sky, Battlefield 1, Dishonored 2 and Quantum Break. Traditionally, GameSpace team wants to raise the subject of the most anticipated games in 2017.
Starcraft, Tekken 3 and Pokémon Red were all classic games bound to different consoles. Every dedicated gamer remembers excitedly heading down to the nearest game store to buy physical CDs or cartridges, whether it was for your PC, PlayStation or Game Boy.
Have you ever been in a situation when you’ve bought something and later it turned out that it was far from your expectations? That’s a common problem, and GameSpace team does it’s best to help you avoid disappointments while you buy the video game.We post game reviews after the game comes out, so it’s not an advertisement. GameSpace team marks all the pros and cons in game reviews so you could see if the game accords your demands or not. We analyze what latest games are the most popular and then comes the game review. After the game review appears all the gamers go to websites where they can download free games or buy games. There are a lot of games for PC, but also many games were released exclusively for consoles (Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, etc).
If there’s a lot of gaming news, game videos, system requirements and screenshots coming up we make a sum-up and write a game preview, and if you wish to pre-order the game you may check out the game preview and make a conclusion.All the best games deserve to be spoken about: GameSpace also contains gaming news, game videos (trailers, gameplays, streams), list of popular (most played) games, list of the upcoming games and a huge database of game genres, where you can find everything you’re looking for. We also have Twitter, Pinterest pages, where we notify our followers about fresh posts of any kind on GameSpace, and a Facebook page, where we post every time the new game review, gaming news or game videos appear plus a lot of geeky arts.