We’ve been collecting rumors about Assassin’s Creed new game (looks like it will be called Origins, but we’re not sure yet), and now we’re ready to tell you what’s going on with it. There’s been a huge thread on 4chan, then all the received info transferred to Reddit. These are basically all rumors, don’t believe what you see. However, we hope most of Assassin’s Creed rumors will actually become a part of the release, ‘cause, you know… They’re awesome :)

Let’s start with the confirmed information: Ubisoft claimed that the next Assassin’s Creed game will carry the “Origins” name and that it will release during the current financial year (up to April 2018). Although, it won’t take long: another commentary was something like “coming later this year”. Assassin’s Creed: Origins releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
More interesting details — ambient music in the game and the possibility to put on or off your hood!
The following Assassin’s Creed Origins leaked pics were not accidental, they were shared because of developers’ initiative. The first one leaked a long time ago and is currently not actual anymore. It looks more like a concept art:

The second one is the one we described in the previous Assassin’s Creed: Origins summary. It’s from the upcoming E3 demo, so it’s the closest to reality screenshot:

Now, the rumors:
Assassin’s Creed: Origins Protagonist
- The Modern Day protagonist is male, he has a crew that supports him while he completes the task William gave him. Assassin’s Creed: Origins MD is similar to AC3's MD, except he has more character interaction and he puts the accent on how Assassins and Templars still affect the world.
- The protagonist from-the-past is Israelite and is similar to Altair. He’s calmer and a little bit darker.
- Concerning outfits — character customization is similar to one from Unity, except it has less pointless stuff. Traditionally, there are some pre-determined outfits and a shop to upgrade the basic appearance.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins Locations
"Without giving too much away, a piece of Eden is used during the Exodus and the crossing of the Red Sea, playing the whole overarching mission of the modern-day protagonist."
- The time frames are something like 1400 — 1200 BCE. During the Dynasties, you know.
- Locations are mostly set in tropical areas: islands, mirages, oasis areas. Imagine what PC monster is required to render all those reflections and waves?
- … And to enjoy Assassin’s Creed: Origins beauty it’s obviously better not to fast-travel, hop on a boat and enjoy the gameplay. You’ll explore Eastern Mediterranean, by the way.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins Gameplay (technical part)
- Animus 5.0 appears in Assassin’s Creed: Origins, and that’s the reason for all characters speaking English only (improved translations).
- Although the game looks completely different comparing to Syndicate/Unity, Assassin’s Creed: Origins engine is a re-made engine from previous versions.
- The eagle is your new scouting mechanic.
- Skills = talent tree. There are three trees in Assassin’s Creed: Origins: Combat, Stealth, and Movement. The trait of this structure is that you can have a certain amount of skills active at one point.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins Plot
- Assassin’s Creed: Origins story is the prior, a lot of work done for the full immersion. And no multiplayer coming in.
- You can unlock parts of the map, side-activities, and points of interest with eagle mechanics now, towers will do nothing for that.
- There was a suggestion of implementing the Ancient Rome thematic. Although Caesar has nothing to do with Templars, he shared their ideas. It’s truly a rumor, no one knows anything about it.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins Combat
- Lots of changes incoming to the combat: enemies will have several attack patterns, so battles will be more interesting.
- Upgraded stealth also coming: there will be many more places to hide and cover in Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
- Free running will be smoother and more mobile, looks kinda like Syndicate/Unity + Watch Dogs 2 flair.
- Although the game will include boats, they will be only saleable. No combat on ones in Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
- If I got this right — hidden blade requires finger sacrifice. Apart from this, you’ll have a bow, some swords, spears, a shield and throwing knives.
Basically, that’s all for today. Seems like Assassin’s Creed: Origins is far far away from today, so we’ll see what rumors appear on the internet. We’ll let you know :)