News The latest game news from around the world

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Fortnite 3.3 Update Details

Fortnite popularity grows, developers are happy about that the game is in demand. They keep adding new features, because why not?

by Anna Stepko 2018-03-13 244182 views
Upcoming PUBG Update: Hands off, cheaters!

Developers are teasing the upcoming patch, where a new PUBG cheat detecting mechanism will be implemented. Nobody will reveal the details about it so you couldn’t cheat once the patch rolls out.

by Anna Stepko 2018-01-24 35470 views
Read This Before You Play Fortnite

We bet you’ve heard about Fortnite - a Battle Royale game (and a Fortnite Battle Royale ;) ), but only the bravest players download it. Want to be one of them?

by Anna Stepko 2018-01-16 18322 views
Will CS: GO join the Battle Royale fever?

“If you can’t beat them, join them” — that’s the anthem of all the first-person shooters right now. Guess where they’re going?

by Anna Stepko 2017-12-18 13466 views
All you need to know about Metal Gear Survive beta

2018 seems promisingly great at the point of upcoming games, and we’re about to reveal some stuff about Metal Gear Survive beta. Looks like all the gaming industry moves in a direction of Battle Royale games, or something like that.

by Anna Stepko 2017-12-14 13502 views
PUBG Tips: How to play PUBG and actually get chicken dinner?

Denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. That’s how people deal with the hype around the brand new popular videogames, and if you’ve already completed these stages — it’s time to learn about PUBG tips while Battlegrounds is downloading and installing.

by Anna Stepko 2017-12-08 69545 views
Destiny 2 Quick Start Guide

If you’re feeling insecure about your first time playing Destiny 2, you can surely use the greatest perk of 21st century. You can read about it.

by Anna Stepko 2017-12-05 26718 views
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