Week’s game news digest

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It’s the first Friday of the second summer month, and on this wonderful July day we are ready to present you our week’s game news digest, which includes only the hottest and the most exciting information. So, pour yourself a cup of cold lemonade, sit comfortable near your computers and dive into a thrilling world of video games and movies with us.

New FIFA 15 trailer demonstrates the visual effects of the game

And the first information that we’d like to share with you in our game news digest is the latest FIFA 15 trailer. The new video demonstrates the unique graphics and tells the audience about the special features, which will make the characters of the upcoming project more realistic than they were in the previous games. Click on the link above to watch the trailer and appraise the work of the developers.

Another Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare DLC launches today

Just a couple of weeks ago, PopCap Games company launched the PC version of its popular project - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare. But the studio decided to continue pleasing the fans and released the fresh free update, which is available only on Xbox One and Xbox 360 for the current moment. Follow the link and learn more details about the DLC’s content.

The special themed GTA Online update was released

And again, our game news digest includes the information about GTA Online. Today, on July 4th, the USA celebrates one of its greatest holidays - the Independence Day. Specially to this event, Rockstar company has presented the new GTA Online update, which has brought to the game a lot of interesting themed content. Find out more about the latest DLC in our full article.


New Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video shows the marvelous game's graphics

This week’s game news can’t dispense with the fresh Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer. In one of the previous videos, the developers have told us about the futuristic technologies, which are used to create the weapons. And this time, they have shown the system of the character animation and the art direction.

Three new Watch Dogs DLCs will be released today

The action-adventure, titled Watch Dogs, which was released at the end of May, got three add-ons on Tuesday. They consist of new missions and a lot of pleasant bonuses. You can learn more information about each launched DLC by following the link above.


Tomb Raider: The Ten Thousand Immortals novel will be launched in October

This year the fans of the charming Tomb Raider will get another creation about her adventures. Lara Croft will become the character of a novel, which will link the events of the previous video game (2013) with the Rise of the Tomb Raider’s. In our article you will find out, which barriers Lara will face in this book.

Another updated Dragon Age: Inquisition character has been presented

This week’s game news also include the information about another Dragon Age: Inquisition character. In the third part of the popular RPG series, the gamers will meet the well-known heroine of Dragon Age: Origins - Leliana. Which changes have the developers made in her appearance and nature? Click on the link in order to read all the details.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film has got the first promo picture (Movie)

And the last thing that we’d like to mention in our game news digest concerns the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie. This film has got the first promo image, on which we may see Henry Cavill as Superman. Check out our article to appraise the picture and learn more details about the movie.

And traditionally, at the end of the week, we offer you to join the amazing sale from our partner - G2A.com. Don’t miss your chance to buy the games you like with a pleasant discount!