Pre-order FIFA 15, AC: Unity and more interesting games with reductions already today!

Pre-order FIFA 15, AC: Unity and more interesting games with reductions already today! by  4318 views

It has already become a good tradition that before each weekend we rejoice you with the new list of the excting games with big and even unbelievable discounts. Moreover last week we gave you the possibility to pre-order FIFA 15, AC: Unity and other interesting games with reductions and today we would like to continue this tradition.

So this time you can pre-order such games as:

1) Battlefield Hardline - €29,99;

2) Assassin's Creed: Unity only for €29,99;

3) FIFA 15 - €29,99;

4) Far Cry 4 will cost you €29,99;

5) Risen 3 can be pre-ordered at the same price. 

Also you can buy with reductions:

1) Counter Strike: Global Offensive for €7,49;

2) Dungeon of Elements DESURA - €2,49;

3) Magicka: Wizard Wars - Apprentice Starter Pack will cost you €5,49;

4) Watch Dogs UPLAY CD-KEY (ENG Only) - €19,99;

5) Dark Souls II CD-KEY Steam (GLOBAL) is available for €22,99;

6) Titanfall ORIGIN CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €25,99;

7) SimCity Limited Edition EA Origin CD-KEY (GLOBAL) can be bought for €17,99;

8) The Bureau: XCOM Declassified STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €4,99;

9) Guild Wars 2: Heroic Edition - €23,79;

10) World of Warcraft Battle Chest + 30 days (EU) costs €5,99.


All these games are available here - The sale will begin today - on the 4th of July - at 15:00 GMT, and it will end in 3 days - on the 7th of July - at the same time. Enlarge your game’s collection already today!

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