Tomb Raider: The Ten Thousand Immortals novel will be launched in October

Tomb Raider: The Ten Thousand Immortals novel will be launched in October by  4275 views

While waiting for the new game about the amazing Lara Croft - Rise of the Tomb Raider, - Crystal Dynamics company together with BradyGames have decided to please the fans of the popular action-adventure series with another creation about the adventures of the female protagonist. And this time she will become the character of a book.

Tomb Raider: The Ten Thousand Immortals novel will be launched on October 20th, 2014. The famous British writers - Dan Abnett and Nick Vincent - have become its authors. According to the creators, the book will be a part of the franchise. Tomb Raider: The Ten Thousand Immortals novel will connect the events of the previous video game (2013) with the upcoming action-adventure.

So now, Lara Croft must save her best friend Sam, who’s dying from the toxic overdose. In order to help her, Lara will have to find an ancient artifact, which can heal her friend and also explain all the mysterious events on the Yamatai island.


Tomb Raider: The Ten Thousand Immortals novel will definitely intrigue the literature fans. The readers will join the main character in the round-the-world journey, face the dangerous enemies - a mean mogul, some secret society and death henchmen, - and finally, find the answers to all important questions.

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