Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film has got the first promo picture (Movie)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film has got the first promo picture (Movie) by  6475 views

A bit more than a month ago, we told you the official title of the Man of Steel sequel, and already today we are ready to show you its first promo picture.

The fresh information about this blockbuster, as well as its first image have been published on USA Today portal. On the promo picture, which Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film has recently got, you can see one the movie’s protagonists - Superman, - who is played by Henry Cavill. And although there were lots of rumors about the multiple changes in the hero’s costume last time, as we see, they all are wrong. Neither the cape, nor the superhero’s label has been changed, but Superman himself, as it seems to us, looks more fearless and even mature. But it’s up to you to decide, whether it’s true or not, so we just offer you to look at the first promo picture of the upcoming blockbuster.


Besides it, we have got to know that the shooting of the film has already begun, and Zack Snyder - the director of this movie - has already managed to film couples of incredibly cool shots with both main heroes. So it’s quite possible that soon we will see some new movie’s pictures, on which Cavill and Affleck will be depicted.

We’d like to remind you that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film will hit the cinemas at the beginning of May 2016.