New Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video shows the marvelous game's graphics

New Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video shows the marvelous game's graphics by  4282 views

The next generation of consoles made it possible to create games with really amazing graphics. Only yesterday, we showed you the fresh FIFA 15 trailer, which describes the graphical innovations, and today we are ready to please the fans of shooters, presenting new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video.


The latest Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video is dedicated to the animation of the characters. Using next-gen technologies, the developers are able to detect the slightest movement on the actor's face and recall any facial expression. But that is not all. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video demonstrates us some actors, who are helping the developers to create the best in-game characters. We can see Kevin Spacey among them, and only this name talks about the great level of the upcoming shooter.

The other thing, which is detailed in the new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video, is an art direction. According to the developers, they are trying to recreate a very special futuristic, but believable world. Will they succeed? Tell us about your guesses in the comments below.

And what do you think about the fresh Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video and the game itself?