Week’s game news digest

Week’s game news digest by  4689 views

It’s Friday again, so get prepared for the traditional game news digest from our GameSpace team. Last days were very rich in not only some interesting information about the upcoming and well-known projects but also different spectacular trailers.

New Resident Evil: Revelations 2 details have been revealed

The first information, which opens our game news digest today, concerns the upcoming Resident Evil: Revelations sequel. Capcom has revealed several thrilling details about the future game’s plot, main characters, etc. Besides that, the developers have published the first screenshots and the debut trailer of this survival horror.

The provisional Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell system requirements were published

Further, we’d like to tell you about the standalone expansion for the popular action-adventure - Saints Row IV titled Gat Out of Hell. This DLC has got the provisional system requirements. Follow the link in order to find out whether your computer meets such parameters or not.


FIFA 15 demo is out

On Tuesday, Electronic Arts pleased the players who anticipate the FIFA 15 launch with the project’s free demo. Also, recently, the upcoming sports simulator has got the latest trailer, which demonstrates the various ways of celebrations on the field.

The new Assassin’s Creed collection is officially confirmed

Today’s game news digest also contains the information about the legendary action-adventure series. Ubisoft has officially announced the new Assassin’s Creed collection, the rumors about which started appearing last week. You can learn more by clicking on the link above.


Batman: Arkham Knight release date was rescheduled

The next material, included into our game news digest, is about the Batman: Arkham Knight game. Despite all the previous rumors, the developers have scheduled the project’s release date for summer 2015. By following the link, you’ll learn both when exactly the future action-adventure will hit PC and next-gen consoles and the details of two special game’s editions.

The details of Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Season Pass were revealed

Here’s another news concerning Dark Knight, but this time it’s about the one from the LEGO series. Click on the link above in order to find out how many add-ons Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Season Pass will have and which content they will provide.

Dead Rising 3 review: Apocalypse is coming to PC

In conclusion, we’d like to include the review of the Dead Rising 3 PC version, which was released at the beginning of September, to our game news digest. If you haven’t tried this project yet and you’re doubt of purchasing it, then read the following article. We hope that it will help you make the right decision.


Also, don’t forget to visit the Videos section, which has got many thrilling trailers this week. Here, you’ll find the videos of such projects as Battlefield 4, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments and more.