Week’s game news digest

Week’s game news digest by  24354 views

It is a deep summer, and we, as always, hasten to sum up the events of this week, having told you only the most interesting game news and the hottest information from the motion picture industry. So we won't keep you in suspense anymore and offer to get into action right now.

The scenarist of The Amazing Spider-Man 3 film has been changed (Movie)

We begin this week’s game news digest with the interesting information from the world of cinema. Thus, firstly, we got to know that one of the scenarists of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 won’t take part in the creation of the third movie in this saga, and a bit later we found the official synopsis of another upcoming film - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. More information about these movies is available in the full articles.

The first Tekken 7 trailer has been published

This week has also brought a good news for the fans of Tekken game series. Besides the fact that the new project in this franchise - Tekken 7 game - has been announced, it has also got the first trailer. If you want to know more details about this project and watch the new video, then click on the link above.

Another one GTA 5 release date has been leaked (rumor)

This game news digest isn’t full without information about one of the most popular franchises in the world - Grand Theft Auto. This week we have told you two news concerning GTA 5 game. On Monday, we shared the rumor, which revealed the alleged launch date of this action-adventure on PC and next-gen consoles, and a bit later we retold new Rockstar’s tips on how to finish the most difficult contact missions. If you are interested in any news, mentioned above, then click on the appropriate link.


Fresh Assassin’s Creed Unity videos tell about the game’s story line

The information about Assassin’s Creed franchise should also be added to the most interesting game news of this week. Firstly, the series’ developers had shown us new AC Unity videos and screenshots, and a few days later, they announced the new mobile game in the franchise - Assassin's Creed Memories - and told about their plans for Comic-Con. You can find more information in the full articles.


The official FIFA 15 box art has been presented

FIFA 15 game will be launched soon, and probably taking into consideration this fact, its creators have decided to present us the official cover of the project. If you want to know who is on the box art of the next instalment in this football simulator series, then click on the link above. 

The Dishonored 2 game will be announced at gamescom (rumor)

Another one rumor, which has appeared this week, concerns the next part in Dishonored series, which will be allegedly announced during Comic-Con. If you are a fan of the previous game or you just got interested in this news, then click on the link above and go to the full article in order to get to know more details about Dishonored 2.

For two consecutive months, we have been rejoicing you with the news about the sales of the interesting games from G2A. This week hasn’t become an exclusion, so click on this link, choose the games you like and buy them with discounts right now.