Week’s game news digest

Week’s game news digest by  5241 views

The first week of July has almost finished. And although these five days haven’t been rich in some really hot and exciting game news, there are a few interesting ones. That’s why today, as always on Friday, we hasten to share the information about the most intriguing events, news and announcements, which have recently taken place in the video game industry.

Will the Mafia III game be announced soon? 

The first information in this game news digest concerns the anticipated third instalment in the popular Mafia series. Click on the link above to get to know which new details let us suppose that soon Mafia III game will be finally announced.

DiRT Rally game has got the fresh update

This week has been also full of news about the fresh updates. Thus, firstly, Codemasters employees announced the launch of the new patch for DiRT Rally racing simulator, and a bit later Rockstar representatives told the first details of the ILL-Gotten Gains Update: Part 2 for GTA Online. Follow the appropriate links to learn more details about these patches and appraise the fresh screenshots.


Limbic Entertainment will held the second Might & Magic Heroes VII CBT

Also, this game news digest contains the information about the beta tests of two projects at once. Firstly, we got to know that the Might & Magic Heroes VII game would get the second CBT, and then it was revealed that the World of Warships open beta had started. Folow the appropriate links to learn more.


The promised Dead or Alive 5 Last Round update will be released later

Unfortunately, not all game news of this week are good. A couple of days ago, the developers of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round game announced that the promised update for the project’s PC version, which had to bring an online multiplayer, was delayed. Go to the full article in order to get to know the reasons of such their decision.

The new Mortal Kombat X gameplay videos show Predator

Finally, the last news in our today’s digest concerns the soon appearing of a new character in the recently released Mortal Kombat X. Thus, at the beginning of the week, a couple of fresh gameplay videos with Predator appeared online, and yesterday the exacte date, when this character will appear in the project, became known. Click on the appropriate links to get to know more details and watch new reels.

As always, the final point in our weekly game news digest is dedicated to the most viewed trailers of the past 5 days. This time, we offer you to appraise FIFA 16, Beyond Earth DLC, War Thunder and Uncharted 4 videos.