Weekly game news digest

Weekly game news digest by  6317 views

Friday has come, so it’s right about time to sum this week up. Read our traditional news digest in order to find out which important and interesting events took place for the past five days in the world of video games and movie industry.

Why will Need for Speed game require a constant Internet connection?

Our today’s digest is opened by the news about the upcoming Need for Speed racing simulator. The developers have explained why the future project will have to be always online. Click on the link about to find out more.

The Elder Scrolls VI game won’t come out soon

This week, Bethesda company has revealed its plans for the nearest future. As it has turned out, the new instalment in The Elder Scrolls RPG-series isn’t included into it. Follow the link above to get the detailed information.


Treyarch revealed the details of CoD: Black Ops 3 beta

Anticipating the forthcoming CoD: Black Ops 3 beta, Treyarch studio has shared the details about the content included into it as well as has shown a combat movement tutorial. Get more info about the testing by clicking on the appropriate links.

Konami won’t support PES 2014 online any longer

Nextly, our today’s game news digest contains the information for the fans of the popular Pro Evolution Soccer series. Firstly, Konami company reported that PES 2014 servers will be switched off soon, and later the studio told about the launched PES 2016 demo.


Resident Evil 2 remake is officially confirmed

Capcom continues creating remakes of the popular instalments in the legendary Resident Evil series. Recently, it has announced the development of Resident Evil 2 upgraded version. Find out more details by following the link above.

Play Civilization: Beyond Earth for free this weekend on Steam

This weekend, don’t forget to grab an excellent opportunity and play Civilization: Beyond Earth absolutely for free on Steam. By the way, it’s not the only deal offered by the developers of the popular Civilization series. Click on the link above in order to get the detailed information.


New Star Wars: The Force Awakens TV spot is out (Movie)

The new TV spot for the upcoming seventh episode of the iconic Star Wars space saga has appeared online. Besides, the first trailer of the next Quentin Tarantino’s masterpiece - The Hateful Eight - has been premiered this week as well.

And finally, our digest contains a list of the most thrilling video. Today, we suggest you watching the reels of such projects as For Honor, Rise of the Tomb Raider, LEGO Dimensions, Overlord: Fellowship of Evil, The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land, Mafia III, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and others.