The promised Dead or Alive 5 Last Round update will be released later

The promised Dead or Alive 5 Last Round update will be released later by  3676 views

The launch of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on PC took place at the end of this March, and then this version of the game didn’t have a very important part of functionnality. If you do remember, then the developers promised that by the end of June 2015 they would add an online multiplayer by means of an update. But today is already the 1st of July, but this anticipated function hasn’t been added still. Why? Let’s find out.

As the Team NINJA employees announced yesterday, the promised Dead or Alive 5 Last Round update for the PC version of the game, which had to add the multiplayer to this fighting project, is delayed. The developers state that for the current moment this patch is on the stage of beta testing, during which lots of major issues have been found. Due to these bugs, the game’s creators have decided to postpone the release of this Dead or Alive 5 Last Round update. And so far, there is no information about terms when the anticipated patch of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on PC will come out.

The developers sincerely apologize for the caused inconvenience and promise to fix the found bugs as soon as possible and to announce the release date of the upcoming patch. And those who have already tried the online mode and experienced various issues, Team NINJA employees ask to revert back to the offline version of the project and wait for the update.
