Incredible games sale on PSN!

Incredible games sale on PSN! by  3984 views

Today Sony has launched a truly amazing games sale titled "Apocalyptic sale" on PlayStation Network.

So if you like to play on PlayStation consoles, then you should be ready to make a bargain buying one or more games from Sony, because this games sale will surprise you. Among the games offered by Sony, you will find some already well-known, such as Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Dead Space 3 and Oddworld, the events of which take place in the devastated expanses of the Earth or other planets. But as we like to say “better to do well, than to say well”.

So we offer you to check out a complete list of games offered by Sony with their new prices:

1) Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD (€5.99/£4.79)

2) Oddworld: Stranger Boxx (€12.99/£9.99)

3) Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD (€8.99/£7.29)

4) Quantum Theory (€12.99/£9.99)

5) I Am Alive (€7.99/£6.49)

6) DOOM 3 BFG Edition (€21.99/£17.99)

7) Armageddon Riders (€4.99/£3.99)

8) Dead Space (€9.99/£7.99)

9) Dead Space Super Bundle (€14.99/£11.99)

10) Dead Space Extraction (€7.99/£6.49)

11) Dead Space Ignition (€2.99/£2.39)

12) Dead Space 2 (€14.99/£11.99)

13) Dead Space 2 Super Bundle (€23.99/£19.69)

14) Dead Space 3 (€29.99/£19.99)

15) Dead Nation (€6.49/£5.19)

16) The Last Guy (€3.99/£3.19)

17) MotorStorm Apocalypse (€7.49/£5.99)

18) Tokyo Jungle (€9.99/£7.99)

19) From Dust + I Am Alive bundle (€9.99/£7.99)

20) Shoot Many Robots (€4.99/£3.99)

21) Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (€11.25/£8.89)

22) Far Cry 3 + Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (€34.99/£24.99)

If you are interested in some game or you're a real gamer, then you just should use this "Apocalyptic sale" on PSN.

Tags:  Far Cry 3