Half-Life 2: Episode 4 ended up the whole Half-Life series

Half-Life 2: Episode 4 ended up the whole Half-Life series by  9409 views
In 2006-2007 Valve with Arkane Studios developed the Half-Life 2: Episode 4 concept , as a continuation of the Gordon Freeman way. But the project, unfortunately, has remained at the concept stage, and Gabe Newell chose to develop and Steam, which has already paid for itself and brings considerable profit, and Box projects.

Return to Ravenholm was supposed to be a kind of  Half-Life 2: Episodes epilogue series, that will tell about the protagonist’s world, Easter eggs and other interesting gameplay and story details.
Alas, in the beginning of this year, the project was finally closed. The reasons for this action are unclear. Whether the idea of ​​outdated and unnecessary, or other idea about the series or just the series forever retreated and left only in the hearts of fans of "lambda, scrap and headcrab"

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