Another Mortal Kombat X patch is out

Another Mortal Kombat X patch is out by  3425 views

NetherRealm studio has launched the next Mortal Kombat X patch - 1.02. Unlike the first update of the recently released fighting game, this one has brought not only some fixes and improvements but also the new content.

So, first of all, the latest Mortal Kombat X patch includes the additional outfits for several characters - Pharaoh Ermac, Kraken Reptile, Vampiress Mileena, Motherland Sonya and Tundra Sub-Zero - for online compatibility. The last mentioned fighter has also got the classic skin.

Besides, as the studio’s representatives have stated, the launched update improves the game’s general performance and stability, eliminates the bugs with localization and the problems with the multiplayer’s invitation system.

There are some in-game changes as well. Thus, the new Mortal Kombat X patch has brought the additional move - Quick Kall - for Takeda Ronin and the ability of teleportation for Takeda Shirai Ryu. The Sub-Zero’s combos will be evaluated properly now. Also, some fixes to the throws have been made.

By the way, the developers have prepared another pleasant surprise for the players. This Mortal Kombat X patch adds 10.000 Krypt coins to the account of each PC owner as a compensation for the Steam issues, which appeared at the game’s launch.

And finally, we’d like to share with you several videos, which demonstrate the comparison of Mortal Kombat X on PC, PS4 and Xbox One: