FIFA 2013

FIFA 2013 by  6417 views

The anniversary twentieth FIFA 2013 was one of the most wanted and expected games all over the world. 4.6 millions of people from 123 different countries downloaded the demo-version of this football simulator, and counted the last days before the release date on the 25-th of September, 2012. During three days after demo-version was released, every 1.3 seconds one gamer twitted something about FIFA 2013, and everyone was sure that this year the game will be tremendous. Few days ago the final version of FIFA 2013 was finally released and now we are ready for close look and fantastic sporting adventure.


This year the developers from EA, just like the programmers of Konami, didn't make something revolutionary in the game, but the overall gaming process was improved fundamentally. In FIFA 2013 we will enjoy new first-touch control system, improved artificial intelligence, enhanced graphics and additional gaming modes. Some of these features have been already demonstrated to gamers in demo-version of FIFA 2013, free download of which is available from the official site.


First touch is very important for football player, and that's why EA did their best trying to make this function as close to the reality as possible. While in PES you will get the ability to control this option manually, here first touch depends on occasion. The main factors of this option are speed of the pass, the ball spinning and the player's skills. Of course, you can control these factors, but only they all together guarantee the best result. With this interesting fist-touch realization FIFA 2013 confirmed its status of the football simulator with the best physics, while PES is trying to create the game with the tightest control.


To improve the physics the developers also boosted Player Impact Engine - the innovation of FIFA 2012. Last year this improvement became the kernel of the game, and EA decided to repeat their successful experiment. So the physics of FIFA 2013 is better than ever, and this characteristic adds realism to the game.


Also EA improved the dribbling system and now you can dribble along wide arc and have time to prepare for the professional pass. While you are playing for one footballer, your teammates are ready to lend a hand. The artificial intelligence of the players was considerably improved, and now they are successfully trying to detect your tactics and help to implement it.


Unlike the developers from Konami, EA programmers didn't forget about the visualization of their football simulator and so the graphics of FIFA 2013 looks better than last year. The stadium became much brighter and the animation was redesigned a bit. Frankly speaking the animation of football players' emotions is not the most important thing in the game, but it brings the present effect, and during the gaming process you will feel yourself as a part of immense football match. But the developers again passed off the fans, so it is better not to look beyond the field, because you can spoil your impression. The football players' faces also remained unchanged.


Concerning new gaming modes the developers of PES and FIFA had the same opinion, so in FIFA 2013 you can enjoy special training course named Skill Games. Using this mode, you will learn the main fundamentals of the game in a very fun form. There are different challenges in Skill Games mode, and they are rated by bronze, silver, gold and skill levels. Doing different tasks and passing training lessons, you can became really skillful virtual football player and also get some points.

Also in FIFA 2013 we got an interesting innovation - Match Day function. Using this function, you can integrate your game and real football season. The stats of some football players will change according to the situation in the real league. With Match Day you can be in the heart of football life, but if it is not interesting for you, you can switch this function off.

As for licenses, FIFA takes a lead like always. English, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, German Championships and leagues of more than 20 other countries are available in the game. Also you can play for 500 clubs and 15000 football players.

In conclusion

FIFA 2012 was really fantastic, and that's why the developers from EA decided not to spoil it with new features and functions. The changes in the gameplay or graphics are minimal, but still they make this game a little bit better than last year. We are sure that not only the fans of this football simulator, but also those who have never played virtual football before will definitely like FIFA 2013.

The official trailer: