Week’s game news digest

Week’s game news digest by  5206 views

Each day in the world of video games and movie industry is filled with the various thrilling events. And this week, which is already coming to its end, has also brought lots of interesting news. So, today, we’d like to sum it up and briefly share with you only the hottest information about the games and films in our digest.

New Dying Light update has returned the mods

The news about the latest Dying LIght patch opens our list. The previous update of the recently released survival horror brought the players some inconveniences, because it blocked the ability of using mods. Techland has apologized for such a situation and has launched another Dying Light patch, which has not only fixed this problem but also improved the project’s general performance.


Besides Dying Light, one more popular game - Assassin’s Creed Unity - has got the latest (fifth) patch, the detailed description of which you can find here. Also, this week, BioWare company has told about the next Dragon Age: Inquisition update.

The first buyers of the State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition will get a pleasant bonus

Further, our game news digest includes the information about State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition, the release of which is expected on April 28th in NA and on May 1st in Europe. The developers have announced some pleasant gift for those players who will manage to purchase the bundle first. More details about the bonuses are available by following the link above.

Game of Thrones Season 5 will surprise everyone (Movie)

Today’s digest also contains the news about the highly-popular Game of Thrones project. The other day, the author of the novel series, on which this TV show is based, - George Martin - shared some interesting details about the future season and intrigued the fans again. Read the full news to get more information.


World of Tanks game will be launched on Xbox One

This week, Wargaming studio has pleased the fans of World of Tanks with the great news. The developers have announced the launch of this simulator on Xbox One. When exactly the release will take place is still unknown, but by clicking on the link above you’ll get more details about the game’s future version.

DEAD OR ALIVE 5: Last Round: the additional paid content and the new trailer

DEAD OR ALIVE 5: Last Round fighting game has just been launched on the consoles, and the developers have already presented lots of additional content, which, unfortunately, is paid. Follow the link in order to find out what a special New Costume Pass includes as well as watch the project’s latest trailer.

Project CARS release date is postponed again

Nextly, in our game news digest, you’ll find the information concerning one more postponement of the Project CARS release. Click on the link above in order to get to know when the future racing simulator from Slightly Mad Studios will hit PC and current-gen consoles and learn about the reasons of the delay.


Pirates of the Caribbean 5 movie has got the official synopsis (Movie)

And finally, our digest will rejoice the fans of Pirates of the Caribbean franchise with the latest details about the next instalment in the series. Recently, Disney company has published the official synopsis of the upcoming motion picture. And its director - Jerry Bruckheimer - has shared the first photo from the shooting set.

As usual, at the end of the digest, we’d like to present you several interesting reels from our Videos section. Thus, we suggest you watching the trailers of such games as Sword Coast Legends, Total War: ATTILA, The Sims 4, Resident Evil: Revelations 2, Dragon’s Dogma Online, Project CARS, LEGO Batman 3 and the Battlefield Hardline developer diaries.