Titanfall Deluxe Edition is released on PC

Titanfall Deluxe Edition is released on PC by  3806 views

Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment have announced the new special Titanfall Deluxe Edition. This bundle includes the shooter’s copy and three DLCs - Frontier’s Edge, IMC Rising and Expedition. As you remember, altogether, the mentioned expansions contain twelve additional maps, which offer the players lots of various interesting areas to combat with each other.

The PC owners are already able to purchase the Titanfall Deluxe Edition in Origin for $39.99. The developers also plan to launch this collection on Xbox One on November 25th. It will be priced at $49.99.


Besides, the project’s creators have published the new Titanfall video. By watching it, you’ll see Abbie Heppe - the studio’s community manager - telling about all new content and features, which have been added to the game since March 2014, and the work done in general once more.

The published Titanfall video is dedicated to the recent announcement made by the project’s publisher - Electronic Arts. According to the latest statistics, this shooter is on the first place among the new franchises released on Xbox One for the amount of the sold copies. Also, since the launch, the game has got 7 million unique players. In order to avoid different rumors and discussions, the Titanfall’s producer - Drew McCoy - has stated the following: “This does not mean 7m sold. This means 7m people have played the game. Yes, this means Destiny and probably Watch Dogs have had more more sales and players. This is not at all surprising, or worthy of shame. Everyone is so supremely proud of the game. More successful than we could have imagined. I could also point out that EA has been on a huge upswing in the market, often attributed partially to how well Titanfall has done”.

And what is your opinion about this shooter? Have you already played it? Or are you going to buy the Titanfall Deluxe Edition?