Pre-order Risen 3: Titan Lords, Metro Redux and buy lots of other games with nice discounts!

Pre-order Risen 3: Titan Lords, Metro Redux and buy lots of other games with nice discounts! by  4318 views

Have you finished all your games? It’s not a problem anymore, because we, as always on Friday, are ready to present you the new list of games with nice reductions, which you can buy already today on the marketplace of our partner - G2A.

If you are waiting for Metro Redux, Risen 3 or Sacred 3 game, you can pre-order any of them right now, and it will cost you only €25,99! It’s not a bad bargain, is it?

Also this week you can buy:

1) Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty + Heart of the Swarm CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €29,99;

2) Spintires STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €14,99;

3) Counter Strike: Global Offensive STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) is available for €7,99;

4) Diablo 2 + LOD can be bought for €5,99;

5) FIFA 14 ORIGIN CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €11,99;

6) Sniper Elite 3 + Hunt the Grey Wolf DLC STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €20,99

7) Xbox Live (1 Month Gold Membership) can be purchased for €5,29;

8) Wildstar Standard Edition  - €30,99;

9) Battlefield 4 Premium is available for €29,99;

10) XCOM: Enemy Within DLC - €9,49;

11) Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - €16,99

12) Payday 2 STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) can be bought for €9,49.

All these games are available here - The sale will begin today - on the 18th of July - at 15:00 GMT, and it will end on Monday - on the 21st of July - at the same time. Don’t lose your chance to make a really profitable bargain!

Tags:  G2A, Metro Redux, sale