New SimCity DLC has got a video

New SimCity DLC has got a video by  4235 views

SimCity add-on - Cities of Tomorrow - was announced last month, but only yesterday it got its first full-length video.

But before we introduce you to this trailer, we would like to tell you briefly about the SimCity DLC. This addon, according to the official information, will be released on the 15th of November in Europe for PC and Mac, and will take us 50 years into the future, where your Sims will be able to create their own futuristic cities. You will decide, whether your city will become a utopian one and will be powered by clean energy or it will be technology-filled society with giant skyscrapers, tracking drones and powered with fusion reactors. This game’s update, according to EA, will add new regions, new transportation methods, future technologies and new specializations for the cities. This SimCity DLC costs $30.

In the new SimCity video, which you can watch below, a lead designer of this urban simulation Stone Librande reveals more details and features of the Cities of Tomorrow. Thus, he talks about the multi-zone MegaTowers, new specializations for cities, such as Omega Corporation and The Academy, as well as some improvements for your city thanks to the technologies of the future. Do you want to know more details? Then watch fresh SimCity video and do not forget to leave your comments at the bottom of the page.

Tags:  DLC, SimCity 2013, video