Metro: Last Light DLC trailer is published!

Metro: Last Light DLC trailer is published! by  3055 views

Just a week ago we reported that Deep Silver company was preparing the first Metro: Last Light DLC. And today we want to tell you that this addon has already been released and you can buy it.

Thus, Metro: Last Light addition, which was titled "Faction Pack", came out on the 16th of July in North America and on the 17th of July (yesterday) in Europe. To celebrate this important event the game's developers have released a small Metro: Last Light trailer, which briefly introduces us to each of the three missions proposed in this DLC and tells your role therein. So, being a ranger of an underground metropolis, you will evaluate all the artifacts which will be brought to you; if you choose the role of a sniper in Redline mission you will have to enter the well-protected posts; and, finally, if you become a member of the Reich you will protect a dangerous weapon and lead an active preparation for the World coup. But as we all know, it is better to see once than to read a few times, therefore we suggest you to watch new Metro: Last Light DLC trailer:

And for those who would like to learn more about this add-on, we advise to read our previous article about the first addition to this shooter.