Free Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare update is already available for download!

Free Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare update is already available for download! by  14322 views

Are you a fan of Plants vs. Zombies game series? Then, today we have some good news about  the latest released part in this franchise - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.

Thus, yesterday, the information that this cool game will get an absolutely free update appeared in the official PlayStation blog. According to the latest information, the free Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare update - Legends of the Lawn - is quite big and includes two new game modes, one fresh map, 8 character variants, two Garden Ops bosses, as well as lots of exciting spawnable Plants and Zombies, a hundred of customisation items and much more. 


And now, let’s talk a bit detailed about the main composants of this pack. So, the fresh Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare update will let you try yourself in two new modes - Taco Bandits and Suburbination. The first one is a classical example of the capture the flag mode, but here you will have to grab… a taco! Does it sound intriguing? But that’s not all! The second mode will give you an opportunity to show who wears the pants, fighting against the foes’ team for three hotly contested gardens.

Besides, the fresh Crash Course map and eight variants of the characters - Centurion, Sanitation Expert, Paleontologist, Golf Star, Plasma Pea Shooter, Alien Flower, Chomp Thing and Jade Cactus - await you in the new game’s update. All characters are depicted on the screenshots below.


Finally, we’d like to show you the new Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare trailer, in which all the abovementioned content is demonstrated.

And what do you think about this pack? Did you like the fresh Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare trailer? Let us know in the comments below.