Dragon’s Dogma Online system requirements are revealed

Dragon’s Dogma Online system requirements are revealed by  5286 views

During the livestream dedicated to the upcoming Dragon’s Dogma Online RPG, Capcom studio has revealed some new details of the future project, has explained the difference between the PS3 and PS4 versions and has announced the official system characteristics on PC. And we will probably start from the last listed news.

Considering the fact that the upcoming RPG might be launched in other regions as well, many players would possibly like to know the Dragon’s Dogma Online system requirements. Capcom has presented only the recommended ones, but for PCs with two types of resolution - with 1920x1080p and 1280x720p.

So, the Dragon’s Dogma Online system requirements for the computers with 1280x720p:

  • OS: Windows7/8 32 or 64-bit;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 with 3.06GHz;
  • RAM: 2GB;
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 8800;
  • DirectX 9.0c;
  • Hard Drive: 20GB of available space;
  • Broadband Internet connection.

Nextly, here are the Dragon’s Dogma Online system requirements for the PCs with 1920x1080p:

  • OS: Windows 7/8 64-bit;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 with 3.5GHz;
  • RAM: 4GB;
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 570;
  • DirectX 9.0c;
  • Hard Drive: 20GB of free space;
  • Broadband Internet connection.

And now let’s move to the differences between the versions of Dragon’s Dogma Online on PS4 and PS3. The first and the most important ones are the resolution and the frame rate. Thus, on the current-gen console from Sony, the game will run at 1920x1080p and 60fps and on PS3 - at 1280x720р and 30fps. Also, Dragon’s Dogma Online on PS4 and PS3 will have the following parameters:

  • Character Display Limit/Distance: 80/100m (PS4) and 20/60m (PS3);
  • Object Visibility Distance: double (PS4) and normal (PS3);
  • Texture Resolution: the highest (PS4) and high (PS3);
  • Shadows: the highest quality (PS4) and normal (PS3);
  • Vegetation: the highest quality (PS4) and normal (PS3);
  • Effects: normal (PS4) and light (PS3).

By the way, in order to install Dragon’s Dogma Online on PS4, 25GB of free space will be required. And the version on PS3 will demand only 9GB.

And finally, it’s should be mentioned that the applying process for the upcoming beta of Dragon’s Dogma Online on PS4 has started recently. Unfortunately, the testing will be available only for the owners of the Japanese accounts in PSN. All who will be chosen for the participating in this beta will get a special e-mail notification from June 25th till July 3rd.