Zergs are coming!

Zergs are coming! by  3500 views
Blizzard Entertainment has announced that they are ready to "sacrifice any new units in the game".

"For Brood War and Wings of Liberty optimum number of new units has been 13-14. This decision is based on the desire to save the game’s balance, which is one of the most important aspects of the game. Advantage in either side will ease or complicate much both the campaign and multiplayer. "- Said the game's producer Kao Milker.


About the dates and duration of beta tests , Milker said that the game will be released when the results is entirely satisfactory *. He also informed that soon will be published new information about the start of tests and possibilities of access to beta.

We would like to present you two gameplay videos from the exibition Gamescom 2012, that shows battles between the Zerg and Protoss, and Terrans and Zerg between.

Protoss vs. Zerg

Terran vs. Zerg