Mass Effect 3 armor and weapon will appear in Dead Space 3

Mass Effect 3 armor and weapon will appear in Dead Space 3 by  5560 views
Talking about Dead Space 3, Visceral Games has decided this time to pay more attention to the plot and the various details, as well as additional functionality. PC version will be ported from the PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles  versions with no change, that means there will be no DirectX 11 in the game, but some additional graphics settings will help improve the image.

In addition Mass Effect 3 owners will be able to get N7 armor, known to all who was saving the galaxy with the captain Shepard. Isaac Clarke is now dreaming about a sports car from Need for Speed, the stadium full of fans like in Fifa and a family as in The Sims 3.
The third part of the horror-action Dead Space will be released February 5, 2013.