"Gat is back" - new Saints Row 4 trailer is published!

Gat is back - new Saints Row 4 trailer is published! by  3495 views

Deep Silver company has recently pleased us with a new video for its upcoming game, and yesterday the developers released another new Saints Row 4 trailer.

This time the new video is dedicated to the return of one famous character of this action adventure - Johnny Gat. Obviously, along with the protagonist Johnny (the president of the USA), they will fight against aliens, trying to release the Earth from these invaders. But we still don’t know if Gat has any special super powers (like all the characters in Saints Row 4 game) or he distinguishes in some other way. But anyway, the fact that Gat is naked in the beginning of the video gives us the right to suggest that Saints Row 4 will be a kind of "rebirth" for him. So watch new Saints Row 4 trailer and make your own assumptions:

In the meantime we would like to remind you that Saints Row 4 game will be released very soon, on the 23rd of August for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.