DmC: Definitive Edition release date has been moved forward

DmC: Definitive Edition release date has been moved forward by  3673 views

Almost a month ago, Ninja Theory studio announced the creation of DmC: Definitive Edition - a bundle, which will be launched on the current-gen consoles and will include the original game, all released DLCs, the new skins for the protagonist and a range of cool modes. Then, it was reported that this edition, the price of which is $39.99, will hit the stores on the 17th of March.

And last night, on the studio’s official page in Twitter the employees of the Ninja Theory shared the pleasant news for those who anticipate the launch of this bundle. They told that the DmC: Definitive Edition release date had been moved, but not hereafter, as it usually happens, and vice versa. According to the official information, the new DmC: Definitive Edition release date is set for the 10th of March, i.e. a week earlier than it was planned before. In the gaming industry, it’s a rare event, so the fans of Devil May Cry game series should be rejoiced twice. 


Besides, recently the franchise’s creators have published the fresh screenshots of the upcoming edition, at which you can take a look in our FB community.

And if you want to know more details of the bundle’s content, then we suggest you clicking on this link.

Are you waiting for the launch of DmC: Definitive Edition? Write your answers below the news.