Suicide Squad Review

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Last week a huge Suicide Squad premiere happened. I’ve seen a lot of excited people who rushed to the cinemas with popcorn and drinks. Believe me or not, there was a young lady in Harley Quinn costume sitting right next to me. She even had a small baseball bat! Obviously, DC made a great marketing campaign, but was the movie as good as we were told it will be?

Suicide Squad Review

Suicide Squad Review

After the captions rolled in I had a weird feeling: whether the movie was incomplete or I didn't understand its whole concept. I wanted to warn you about the spoilers, but can we relate this word to the superhero movie anyway? If you’ve watched Suicide Squad and didn’t read the comics you might’ve had a feeling that you didn’t understand how some if squad members got into prison. Harley and Deadshot were caught by Batman, and what about others? Why did directors decide that they don’t need the detailed introduction?

Suicide Squad Review

When Squad arrived at the city another bad guy - Slipknot - appeared from nowhere. Captain Boomerang persuaded him to escape, and he did so. Then he died. Maybe if the character performs less than 5 minutes he doesn’t need to be introduced?

Suicide Squad Review

The same thing happened to Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang and Katana. They all had a short intro, and it was not enough. In one of the last scenes all the Squad was fighting together, so why did directors differ these four characters as less important ones?

Suicide Squad Review

I’ll make only one comparison with Marvel: remember Avengers? Even though Black Widow and Hawkeye didn’t have a solo movie (and all other avengers had ones) their part in the movie was as big as a part of Stark or Thor. And that was a right move.

Suicide Squad Review: Deadshot

Suicide Squad Review-Lzp0W7a

And if you’ve read comics you must be dissatisfied with some things. One of them is Deadshot. Yeah, Will Smith is cool as always, he actually plays himself, not Deadshot. But he performed nicely anyway, it was even funny. Originally, Deadshot was white and he had one eye. That’s why he needed that red ‘third eye’. But it was not bad anyway.

Suicide Squad Review: Harley and Joker

Suicide Squad Review

These two are the biggest disappointment for me. Their love story was perfectly shown (as it was in comics), although if we look at them separately - they play crazy, but they’re not ones. It’s hard to take them serious, although they both looked fabulous, as for appearance. That was stunning. And as for Joker - is there a place for luxury gold-and-diamonds life in his craziness?

Suicide Squad Review: Rick Flag

Suicide Squad Review

Typical haughty soldier that fell in love with a wrong woman. Considering his love story I was hoping that he’ll be the one who will figure out how to calm his girl down. But there was an awesome performance of Harley Quinn that surprised me, this was THAT Harley from a comic book. Sly and cruel. And crazy.

Suicide Squad Review

As for Enchantress - she was good, a strong character that had the full introduction and worthy performance.

Suicide Squad Review: El Diablo

Suicide Squad Review

At first, he seemed like autistic, as he wasn’t a part of the team. Probably, because of lack of self-control, who knows. The character itself is really cool, he had a dark past where he lost all of the closest people, and now he must choose between a hermit and the devil.

Suicide Squad Review: Amanda Waller

Suicide Squad Review

We’re now back to personal ambitions: if you remember the beginning of a movie when she walks by a vendor with Superman T-Shirts she had a flashback. Probably, she remembered her son’s death, that Superman didn’t save him. And that was a reason to put all the bad guys together to fight Superman, just in case if he’ll become a terrorist. What a stupid hypothesis, they’re making a bad guy out of a good one. The original idea of Superman being a positive character is turned into a doubt. That’s a wrong move. And another wrong move that proves Amanda wrong is putting a witch at the top of Suicide Squad. I mean, what were you thinking, woman? It’s an old witch! Was it hard to open Google and type ‘What if I unleash a witch’?

Suicide Squad Review

Suicide Squad Review: Plot

As for the plot - it’s a typical superhero movie, but there were some details that missed. If characters were more detailed it would be much better.

What happened at the end? Squad neutralized the witch and her brother, in other words - they’ve fixed all the mess Amanda had made, and they got a tiny reward and still no recognition from the society. That’s sad. Now we all hope to see a solo movie with new Joker and Harley, where they’ll have a chance to rehabilitate. DC needs more solo movies, that’s for sure.

GameSpace team rates Suicide Squad 7.5 / 10. DC can do better.