Doctor Strange Easter Eggs and Review

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A very loud premiere all over the world - Doctor Strange - is finally in theaters! If you haven’t seen this Marvelous (ba-dum-tss) movie you should definitely go for it, but first, check out the Doctor Strange review. We’d also like to remind about Doctor Strange easter eggs for all those folks who have already visited cinemas and enjoyed the movie but were not attentive.

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

Doctor Strange review

Basically, the movie was extremely awesome. As any of Marvel movies, it has its charm, a pinch of geeky humor, drama… It’s terrific. First of all - there’s a new Marvel miniature at the start of the movie. Now it’s related to avengers, and it looks great.

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

A short word about the graphics: it’s wonderful. It’s hard to understand what’s going on in the movie, but it’s extremely beautiful. And any Doctor Strange review will put an accent on the visual effects: even if you don’t get how it all goes from the geeky-comics point the effects will blow your mind.

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

Now about the main character: Benedict Cumberbatch performed really strong. At first, he was provocative and a little bit cranky, later he felt miserable and lost. By the end of the movie he seemed more confident, but still not enough: like he’s not sure if he made a right choice. He blended in perfectly, that’s for sure. P.S. Those jokes about everybody messing with his name were hilarious.

Among the critic reviews, there were no low points: 92% Rotten Tomatoes, 3.5/4 Rolling Stone, 3.5/5 The AV Club. Now let’s dip into the most interesting stuff in our Doctor Strange review that is gathered below:

Doctor Strange Easter Eggs - Avengers Assemble!

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

We can clearly see the Avengers Tower in the beginning of the movie, that might hint about the same universe that Avengers are. Later we hear Wong (Benedict Wong, or Beyonce) say that “The Avengers protect the world from physical dangers – we safeguard it against more mystical threats”, this proves Doctor Strange is one more character in Avengers Universe. And one more awesome and unexpected improvement is…

Doctor Strange Easter Eggs - Thor cameo

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

All those geeks who left after the captions rolled in have seen Doctor Strange talking to Thor like it’s a regular meeting. While they were discussing their business Thor drowned a couple of magicked-up pints of ale, Doctor Strange mentions that Loki - Thor’s step-brother - represents a serious danger. We can definitely expect Strange appear in Thor: Ragnarok, because he agreed to find Odin - Thor’s father. That would be a huge multidimensional mess.

Doctor Strange Easter Eggs -  Shamballa

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

This hilarious moment is a reference to Doctor Strange graphic novel - ‘Into Shambala’, in which Strange gets a chance to enter a golden age, later it reveals that the price is too high.

Doctor Strange Easter Eggs - One More Infinity Stone In Your Pocket

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

At the end of the movie Wong starts sermonizing about Doctor Strange taking stuff that doesn’t belong to him, and he drops a word about the Infinity Stone - Time Stone - placed in Eye of Agamotto. If you remember, Thanos was about to collect all of them and destroy the universe. So that’s one more target for him to go after. Probably, he’ll go for it in Avengers - Infinity War.

Just a reminder: previously you could see other infinity stones: Space Stone - Tesseract (Captain America - The first Avenger), Reality Stone - Aether (Thor 2), Power Stone - Orb (Guardians of the Galaxy), Mind Stone - (Avengers: Age of Ultron).

Doctor Strange Easter Eggs - Stan Lee cameo

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

Stan Lee was on a bus reading Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception and laughing about taking the psychoactive drug mescaline, while the world around was crashing into pieces. Hopefully, that’s not the last cameo he’ll perform.

Doctor Strange Easter Eggs - Experimental armor, huh?

Review Doctor Strange Easter Eggs

At the very beginning, before Strange got into a terrifying accident, he was talking to his colleague about the ‘interesting’ patients, and the first one was the Marine Colonel that crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor. Any Doctor Strange Review author will claim that it’s impossible to mention experimental armor and expect geeks not to think about Iron Man and his toys.

We hope our Doctor Strange easter eggs digest was useful for you, we tried to avoid spoilers. Anyway, if you were looking for the Doctor Strange review you won’t throw up watching the movie in cinema even if you know a few details :)