In 2012 the most famous British spy - James Bond - is celebrating the great anniversary - 50 years on the screen. The developers from Eurocom decided that it is a beautiful occasion for the next game based on the Bondiana. The idea was to combine different magnificent movies about Agent 007 in one shooter, and it was supposed to become the great present for every fan of the series. But in fact 007 Legends game is far from legendary adventure of James Bond, and this one may win the title of the worst game about the famous spy.
The game starts from the Skyfall episode, that hasn't been released yet, and you find your hero on the top of the moving train. James Bond is fighting against the strange enemy, but suddenly pretty girl-sniper shoots him and he falls to the big river. While the lungs of our agent are filling up with water, his life passes before eyes and he remembers the most successful and amazing cases from his life. In the game you will be able to remember Goldfinger, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Moonraker, Licence to Kill and Die Another Day movies, while the full version of Skyfall will be released as DLC after the premiere of the respective movie, so until this day you won't be able to get to know what has happened with drowned spy.
The appearance of our protagonist was copied from Daniel Craig, that looks a little bit strange, because this actor didn't appear in any of the described movies. Also he is voiced by strange and unknown actor, unlike a half of other characters, that were voiced by the actors from Bondiana. But Daniel is not the only one strange detail in five game's missions. Innovative technical equipment and modern automobiles also have moved in old movies, and the plot of the mission was significantly changed. It is naturally that the developers decided to cut off some scenes of long movies, but they didn't make it right. They got an average shooter and lost magnificent atmosphere of the James Bond's adventures.
In the game you will need to shoot and shoot and shoot. Every moment of the game, in every mission and on every level. It seems that Activision - the publisher of this game - mixed up 007 Legends and its another project - Call of Duty, that, by the way, was much better than our story about James Bond. Each mission has the same structure - first, you need to drive to the secret place, shooting a lot of enemies on your way, then you need to solve a couple of puzzles to open the safe, and finally you have to shoot lot of guards and villains to end the mission. We thought that James Bond became so famous not only because of his gun, but the guys from Activision and Eurocom have another opinion.
Before the release date Eurocom was proud to announce the brand-new stealth mode, that is available in the game. But it was brand-new, maybe, five or ten years ago, and now it looks completely awful. In 007 Legends you will be able to sneak to you enemy, and he won't see you even before his face, but after you shoot him with your silenced gun, you won't be able to drag the dead body and hide it. Also you won't be able to look out of the corner, because in this case your enemies give the alarm immediately. So it is really easier to shoot down all your opponents than to play in the defective stealth game.
The graphics of 007 Legends is the same as in the previous game in this series, and it leaves much to be desired. Also we have another one problem - the game is completely first person. Let me explain this issue by funny example: your hero is throwing the lighter to ignite some location and then turns back. So, you won't be able to enjoy the beautiful explosion. And even those situations, that will be available for your eyes, are far from the ideal.
In conclusion
The best part of the game is the multiplayer mode, that became much better in comparison with the previous game. The worst part is the appearance of the character that originally was played by Halle Berry, but in the game it is a completely strange girl. The good news is that free download of 007 Legends DLC is available for all gamers who have bought the original game. The bad news - you wouldn't like to buy it.
The official trailer: