When will Dota 2 be officially released?

When will Dota 2 be officially released? by  4023 views
As many people know, Dota 2 beta version came out in 2011. It has already been 2 years, for which Valve had to finish everything previously planned, but the game is still in the closed beta version. Why? Many players put forward their hypothesis, suggesting that the development team wanted to bring all Dota heroes or finish all previously conceived modifications.

But the reason why the game isn’t still released turned to be much more prosaic. According to the famous Russian commentator Vladislav «mtrx4u» Suzdal, Valve does not want to release the game officially without a license in China (which is very important to them) and that's why they have been struggling with this problem for a year. At this point, the parties reached almost all agreements between them, and only a few moments of the game such as skeletons and blood, which are banned in the Chinese media and games, should be removed. Here are some of the differences in beta-versions:
             Axe                                 Axe (China)                           Bane                               Bane (China)
       Bloodseeker                 Bloodseeker (China)                Doom                           Doom (China)
           Lone druid                 Lone druid China)                 Pudge                               Pudge (China)
        Warlock                             Warlck (China)                       Ursa                               Ursa (china)

Just recently, China has announced the release date of the game’s beta version, which is scheduled for the 28th of April. Beta Dota 2 out in China gives hope that our long-awaited game’s release is not far off. If it lasts a few months (not years), we can expect Dota 2 full version at the end of the year.