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News list:
rumor - First screenshots of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
rumor - Lots of Battlefield 4 screenshots appeared in the network
rumor - CoD: Modern Warfare 4 is under development?
rumor - Another one Star Wars game is coming?
rumor - Alien: Isolation game is coming next year
rumor - Far Cry 4 has been teased?
rumor - New hint at Fallout 4?
rumor - Tomb Raider is coming to PS4 and Xbox One?
rumor - Assassin's Creed 5 may contain the shared open world
rumor - Telltale is working on Game of Thrones?
rumor - Lego The Hobbit game will be released next year
rumor - Two new races from Mass Effect 4 were rumored
rumor - The Last of Us will become a movie?
rumor - Two new GTA 5 artworks and The Content Creator details
rumor - Has The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie got two new villains?
rumor - Driveclub release date was rumored
rumor - Two Assassin's Creed games are coming in 2014
rumor - New Battlefield 4 modes were leaked
rumor - New actor is rumored to enlarge the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII (movie)
rumor - Quentin Tarantino is working on his new film - The Hateful Eight (movie)
rumor - New rumors about the Batman vs. Superman cast (movie)
rumor - The Last of Us DLC - Left Behind - release date was rumored
rumor - Watch Dogs release date is rumored
rumor - Fresh rumors about Ant-Man and Star Wars: Episode VII casts (movie)
rumor - Assassin's Creed 5 game's logo may be leaked
rumor - The images of new Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC were leaked
rumor - The first Mortal Kombat 10 trailer was published
rumor - The Witcher 4 game is coming, The Witcher 3 details were leaked
rumor - Rambo 5 movie will feature Sylvester Stallone (movie)
rumor - Is the DiRT 4 game announced?
rumor - Deadpool and Assassin's Creed movies are coming in 2016 (movie)
rumor - New features of GTA 5 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One were leaked
rumor - New Left 4 Dead 3 details leaked online (Rumor)