The developers are working on the next Need for Speed game

The developers are working on the next Need for Speed game by  3391 views

Ghosts - the developers of the latest game in the Need for Speed series - is working on the next title in this franchise. Moreover, it has become known that the following Need for Speed game has already been under development for several months. However, Ghosts hasn't announced anything officially.

This intriguing information is coming from EA's site, on which the new job openings are usually published. At the end of October the new post about "Marketing Director Need for Speed" appeared there. Among the lengthy requirements to the potential candidate and glorifying passages about the company, we have found an interesting quotation. "Ghost Games is currently developing Need for Speed Rivals for both current and next generation gaming consoles and has already begun work on future iterations of the franchise." - the ad states.

The sentence above rather clearly hints at the Need for Speed Rivals game that was released last month and at the upcoming instalment in the popular series of racing simulators. And what do you think?

In the meantime we advise you to read our Need for Speed Rivals review and learn more about its companion app.