Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare game has got new details

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare game has got new details by  8718 views

In the exclusive interview to the GameInformer portal, Sledgehammer Games company has revealed some new details of its upcoming shooter. The developers have told about the different types of weapons and technologies, which will be implemented to the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare game, and we want to share this fresh information with you.

So, let’s start in order. The first Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare weapon is the unique 3D-Printer rifle. It seems like we’ve never met this in any other game before! According to the developers, they were inspired by the huge progress of the 3D printing technologies in the world. The rifle has a little 3D-Printer inside, which makes the ammo, if you ran out of them. The definite advantage of this item is the minimal reloading time.


The next Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare weapon - the plasma rifle - is a very convenient tool to use against the foot soldiers and different vehicles of the enemies.


Besides the weapon, the developers have created the special exo suit for the characters. Unlike the modern prototypes, this costume is much lighter and portable. It gives the gamers the super abilities: helps jump higher, run faster, pick up heavy objects, etc.


Moreover, the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare game will get the ultramodern vehicles, including the Hover Bike, various tanks and aircraft.

The Hover Bike is definitely one of the most futuristic creation in this shooter. The developers have combined the motorbike and the snowmobile, have equipped it with the computer interface in the windscreen and the strong armour.


As for the other vehicles, according to Sledgehammer Games, in future neither the tanks, nor the helicopters will experience the significant changes, except for the little improvements in the shape.

Let us remind you that the new part of the popular game series will be released this autumn.

So, what are your impressions from the new modern Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare weapon? Did you like the exo suit and the Hover Bike? Tell us in the comments below.