Assassin’s Creed news: fresh screenshots, new compilation and other interesting information

Assassin’s Creed news: fresh screenshots, new compilation and other interesting information by  4156 views

Are you a fan of Assassin’s Creed series? Then today is your lucky day, because we have lots of really exciting information about two upcoming projects, as well as about the new possible game’s compilation. But lets talk about everything in order.

We’ll start with Assassin’s Creed Rogue. Thus, the previous day, the project’s developer presented us not only the fresh and colorful Assassin’s Creed Rogue screenshots, but also shared some interesting information about the new game’s innovation. On the new pictures, which are published below, you can see not only the protagonist - Patrick Shay, - who looks really intimidating, especially in the heat of the fight, but also a couple of locations and non-playable characters.



But these chic Assassin’s Creed Rogue screenshots are not all. Yesterday, the Ubisoft’s employees told via the French Assassin’s Creed’s account in Twitter that the upcoming game will have one new interesting feature - the inverse boarding. Thus, if previously only you were able to grab the ships, then now your own boat can be attacked by your foes. It sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? 


“One of AC Rogue’s innovations is the inverse boarding: your own ship can be attacked by your enemies!”

Also, a couple of fresh Assassin’s Creed Unity screenshots have been published. Apart from Arno - the game’s protagonist, - we are able to see Elise, more about whom you can read here, and a few game’s locations. Enjoy!


And the last information, which we’d like to tell you today, concerns the new alleged compilation of 3 previously released games. According to, NZGamesShop and Shop4World online shops, Ubisoft is preparing the game’s compilation, entitled Assassin’s Creed: The American Saga. As indicates, it includes Assassin’s Creed III, AC: Liberation and AC IV: Black Flag and will be released on the 2nd of October, but so far only on Xbox 360. The compilation costs €39,99.


Did you like the fresh Assassin’s Creed Uniity and Rogue screenshots? What do you think about the new possible compilation? Your comments are always welcomed at the bottom of the page.