Homefront: The Revolution Review

Homefront: The Revolution Review by  5231 views

As Homefront: The Revolution came out for North America yesterday, a lot of gaming-themed-websites are filled with fresh reviews. We’d like to add our opinion as well because someone must calm those negative waves down.


If we analyze the existing scores gained by Homefront: The Revolution, it will be something like this:
  • Eurogamer Italy [Italian] – 8/10
  • GameWatcher 6.5/10
  • Polygon 6/10
  • GamesRadar+3/5
  • WCCFTech 5.6/10
  • IGN 5/10
  • Metro 5/10
  • We Got This Covered2/5
  • The Jimquisition1/10

As you can see, the points are not too high. Sure, they’ve got a reason to be. Let’s see what the game is like.


First of all, one of those game websites had a very cool title to the Homefront: The Revolution review - ‘It Could Be Worse’, and it’s definitely true. That one rated the game 6/10 or more, by the way.


Homefront: The Revolution is considered as an open-world game and many gamers suggested it was kinda like Far Cry. The similarities are there but Homefront does a better job of diversifying missions. The point is that the way of tracking down and killing your target feels different, not like in regular run-and-gun games.


Missions are repetitive, they’re called Hearts and Minds: you have to assassinate important enemies, rescue people from the hands of the KPA, etc. Those missions appear 3 times throughout the game, but they don't feel like a chore to complete with suffering. Developers spread them far apart from each other, so it won't be frustrating.


Will Homefront: The Revolution show you the world?

The game’s world is not as open as you think. Events unfold in Philadelphia, and certain areas are broken up into three zones: Red Zones, Yellow Zones, or Green Zones. Each zone is separated by a loading screen and whenever you enter a zone, the objectives are limited to that zone, and when it comes to being a true open-world game Homefront: The Revolution doesn’t feel like one. It’s more like a bunch of levels that you gotta complete.


Otherwise, the lack of distractions helps you focus on what you’re doing. I’d compare that with any of the Fallout games. Personally, I forgot what I had to do because I was too busy grabbing loot and looking for booze (hue-hue), and I had to check the Pip-Boy to remind myself of what I am actually about to do. So I don’t think this is one of the BAD things. If you give a total freedom to people, they’ll go insane and start doing weird stuff, so a pinch of control (come sort of virtual frame) is necessary to avoid anarchy.



Honestly, it’s really hard to match the nice voice you’re hearing with terrible animation. No, it’s not terrible in general, but as for CryEngine, it is. And that’s not only my opinion piece, I think there will be a lot of gamers who will share my point of view. Long story short - you’ll meet the weird blurry shadows, you’ll see zombie-ghosts (after killing a person it remains standing sometimes), and you’ll get shot from the back because enemies appear from nowhere. Be prepared, you’ll be frustrated as hell. Another strange thing is that you actually can’t understand if it’s a glitch or abnormality. Anyway, I got used to them and I hope you will too.



The coolest feature I’ve noticed is the ability to swap gun types on the fly. I’m talking about deconstructing a gun and turning it into another gun, that’s so… Hollywoodish :) It feels like you’re a secret agent in some action-blockbuster-Michael-Bay movie. That’s how it works: after you buy a gun, you can also buy builds for guns of a similar type and swap between them. For example, you can turn your pistol into an SMG. Awesome!


Among the arsenal you also have Molotovs, explosive grenades, distraction grenades, and hacking grenades. The last one is the weirdest. It’s actually called a “hacking tool” and it needlessly attracts attention from the KPA because this “tool” is actually a grenade. These can be upgraded for different uses as well like turning them into an RC car.


As the conclusion, I could say that Homefront: The Revolution has positive sides, but the glitches make them unseen. This sentence could be considered both literally and metaphorically. But still you can’t deny that the game has a potential. Considering the amount of unsatisfaction that flooded through social networks, we can totally expect the bug fixes after a couple of updates.

So GameSpace rates Homefront: The Revolution 7.5 / 10. For the potential. And for the blockbuster effects :)