As you remember, the highly-anticipated Heists DLC is to come out next week - on March 10th. But yesterday, Rockstar studio stated that along with this expansion, the additional GTA Online update will be launched. According to the developers, it will bring lots of new options and improvements as well as much more fun to the game.
So, what will the upcoming GTA Online update contain? Firstly, it will add the daily jobs. The multiplayer of the popular action-adventure will get numerous tasks, by completing which the players will earn the various rewards. If the gamers successfully cope with these missions several days in a row, they will be able to receive up to $500.000.

Also, the next GTA Online update will include the new Adversary mode with three types of competitions:
- Hasta La Vista. The truck drivers are chasing a team of bike riders. The last ones have to be very manoeuvrable and quick in order to avoid the crash with the autos. The bikers’ main goal is to reach the required checkpoint. The truck drivers don’t have any weapons, except for their vehicles. But if they hit all bikers, then their team wins.

- Come Out to Play. The players are divided to the teams of Runners and Hunters. The first ones have some cool weapons, but only one life. The Hunters own shotguns, motorcycles and unlimited amount of lives.

- Siege Mentality. A group of four gamers stands against a team of six assaulters. The first ones can use a wide variety of weapons and the last ones - only sawn-off shotguns.

And finally, the new GTA Online update will bring the missions in the Freemode Activities. They will help the gamers earn more bonuses and in-game cash. Such project’s characters as Lester, Trevor, Ron and Lamar will contact the players and ask them to complete different missions (vanish cars, disable planes or divert the attention of policemen).

By the way, GTA Online will also get an E-mail notification system. The gamers will be able to get in touch with their friends while the last ones are busy with some tasks. And there will also be other pleasant bonuses like various modifications of vehicles, exclusive clothes, etc.
Do you anticipate the launch of the Heists DLC? What do you think about the content of the future GTA Online update?