The new patch has been added to Far Cry 4 game

The new patch has been added to Far Cry 4 game by  4673 views

Ubisoft continues updating and improving the fourth instalment of the Far Cry action-adventure series. Thus, yesterday, the studio released another Far Cry 4 patch, which fixes different bugs as well as brings one anticipated feature to the game.

First of all, the launched Far Cry 4 patch has added the new ally archetypes to the Map Editor and has liquidated the functionality issues with the objects and the map browser in this section.

Nextly, the latest update has fixed the following:

  • general problems with a PvP mode (matchmaking stability and incorrect XP);
  • bugs with Copy to Clipboard and Search functions in the project’s PC version;
  • respawn issues, which appeared under certain circumstances;
  • problems with mobile vehicles placement and registration of non-mobile ones as AI;
  • unstable connection to the host in the co-op mode;
  • various crashes, incorrect display of some parameters, etc.

The full notes are revealed on the game’s official site.

And let’s move straightly to the highly-expected feature, which the latest Far Cry 4 patch has added. From now, all maps, which were created by the players in the Editor, can be completed in the cooperative mode. The developers have also shared some key features of such an option:

  • the locations can be explored in both single-player and multiplayer modes;
  • in the cooperative as well as in the Quick play menu, there’s an ability to choose a random map. The players can invite their friends or other gamers from public matchmaking to be the allies;
  • it’s possible to place two spawn points in the Map Editor. If only one of them is present, it means that both players are in the same area.

The released Far Cry 4 patch is free and is downloaded automatically on all platforms.
