The latest Batman: Arkham Knight video and trailers reveal more details about the game

The latest Batman: Arkham Knight video and trailers reveal more details about the game by  2908 views

Rocksteady studio - the creator of the highly-popular Batman: Arkham action-adventure series - has shared the new details of the final part in the franchise, the launch of which will take place on June 23rd. First of all, the developers have released the latest Batman: Arkham Knight video. It reveals more information about the batmobile and the upcoming game itself.

So, in the launched Batman: Arkham Knight video, the chief of Rocksteady company - Sefton Hill - explains how the New Game Plus mode, which will be included into the project after all, will work. The players will be able to transfer all earned experience and unlocked items (weapons and other gadgets) to the second walkthrough. Besides, it’s reported that the upcoming action will contain lots of puzzles. They will test the Batman’s intelligence.

Nextly, the published Batman: Arkham Knight video shows the new types of the batmobile’s weapon. The EMW is one of them. It will help immobilize the enemy vehicles for a short period of time and redirect the approaching missiles. Also, the batmobile will have a Drone Virus. The main character will be able to hack the drones. And finally, the developers have stated that such batmobile can replace the whole army.

In addition to this Batman: Arkham Knight video, Rocksteady has published two trailers of the upcoming game. One of them is dedicated to charming Harley Quinn. The gamers can play her in the exclusive Batman: Arkham Knight DLC. It will be given to all who pre-order the project before its release. Harley will have to rescue her ally - Poison Ivy - from the police department. However, miss Quinn won’t be able to do it quietly.

And the second trailer of the future action-adventure is dedicated to another Dark Knight’s enemy - Red Hood. He will be the main villain of one more exclusive Batman: Arkham Knight DLC. Only those who pre-order the upcoming game at GameStop online store will receive it. Along with this character, the add-on will include a big arsenal of new weapons.