"Star Wars Episode VII" release date is announced (MOVIE)

Star Wars Episode VII release date is announced (MOVIE) by  7442 views

If you are a fan of Star Wars films and games, then you are on the right page, because today we'll tell you the latest news about "Star Wars Episode VII" movie and a new game in the series.

So, if you remember the first time when we have heard about the creation of "Star Wars Episode VII" was at the end of 2012, when Disney company bought the license for Star Wars brand. We didn’t know anything about it for a few months, but at the beginning of this year the events picked up momentum. In January 2013 the film got its director - J.J. Abrams, then the first actors - Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill (there are a few ones who are still casted) - were approved, then the executive producer (Kathleen Kennedy), the screenwriter (Michael Arndt), and, finally, the creator of this masterpiece - George Lucas (who is a personal consultant of Kennedy) joined the film’s creation. These are good news, but so far we haven’t known the main thing, when "Star Wars Episode VII" movie will be released. And we're here to answer this question. According to the official information, we will watch the seventh episode of this space saga on December 18, 2015! We need to wait 2 years, but if you are a true fan of the star warriors, you will wait and will not regret about it.

But that aren’t all Disney’s creations based on Star Wars’ franchise. It has also become known that the company's employees have created their first game in this series, which is called Star Wars: Tiny Death Star. This 8-bits simulator takes place on the Moon-sized space station, where you will have to attract the diverse intergalactic creatures, repair and update the station, which consists of 80 types of Star Wars-themed floors, as well as create new Death Stars. Star Wars: Tiny Death Star game is free and is already available for the following platforms - iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8. So download and enjoy!
