Pre-order Metro Redux, Risen 3: Titan Lords or purchase lots of games with reductions!

Pre-order Metro Redux, Risen 3: Titan Lords or purchase lots of games with reductions! by  5161 views

The new weekend - the next sale from This time our partner has decided to please, first of all, the fans of Metro and Risen game series, who, during the next 3 days, will be able to pre-order Metro Redux and Risen 3: Titan Lords only for €25,99 each. It’s a very tempting offer, isn’t it?

But not only the fans of the abovementioned series can make a good bargain this weekend. You are also able to buy such really cool games and products as:

1) Max Payne 3 STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €3,99;

2) Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls CD-KEY (GLOBAL) can be bought for €16,99;

3) Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare ORIGIN CD-KEY (GLOBAL) is available for €17,49;

4) Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €14,99;

5) Metro: Last Light STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) costs only €6,99;

6) Dead Island: Riptide Complete Edition STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €8,49;

7) Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection EA ORIGIN CD-KEY (GLOBAL) can become yours for €6,99;

8) Sid Meier's Civilization V STEAM CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €3,99;

9) Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty CD-KEY (GLOBAL) can be purchased for €10,99;

10) Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm CD-KEY (GLOBAL) - €13,49;

11) Diablo 3 CD-KEY PC/MAC (GLOBAL) - €18,59;

12) World of Warcraft 60 days (EU) - €19,99;

13) World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria CD-KEY Expansion (US) - €10,99;

14) Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 - 12 months CD-KEY (GLOBAL) is available for €11,99;

15) Xbox Live Subscription Card for 13 Months GOLD (PL/EU/US) - €28,99.


This sale begins today - on the 1st of August - at 15:00 GMT, and it will end on Monday - on the 4th of August - at the same time. It’s a good time to save your money, buying new games, so don’t lose this chance!