New poster, title and release date of the first Fast & Furious 7 trailer (Movie)

New poster, title and release date of the first Fast & Furious 7 trailer (Movie) by  3782 views

A month ago, we showed you two fresh Fast & Furious 7 photos, published by Vin Diesel, and today hasten to share the fresh project’s poster, its new title and the date when the first Fast & Furious 7 trailer will be presented.

Thus, yesterday, on the official blockbuster’s page in Facebook, the franchise’s creators published a rather long and very interesting post, in which they not only announced when the first official Fast & Furious 7 trailer will be released but also published the fresh project’s poster and told the new film’s title. But let’s talk about everything in order.

First of all, we are hasten to tell you that Fast & Furious 7 film has been renamed and it’s new title is Furious 7. Secondly, we’d like to show you the new Furious 7 poster, on which you can see 7 main actors, who have taken part in the shooting of this exciting motion picture - Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, Jason Statham and of course Paul Walker. Apart from these actors, the fresh Furious 7 poster shows us the film’s release date in the USA and obviously the movie’s slogan - Vengeance hits home.


Besides this fresh picture, as we’ve mentioned above, the movie’s creators have announced when we’ll be able to watch the first Furious 7 trailer and have presented to the large audience two new project’s videos. Thus, according to the fresh information, the first Furious 7 trailer will be shown in 6 days during The Road to Furious 7: Trailer Launch Event at Universal Studios, which will take place in Los Angeles. Already today, you can buy the tickets on this live event on the official Fast & Furious social pages. Besides, you are also able to leave your questions to the actors as a video in Instagram using the hashtag #AskFurious7 or just as a simple comment in FB. These questions may be really answered during The Road to Furious 7: Trailer Launch Event!

And while we are waiting for this event, which will be broadcast on the Fast & Furious Facebook page, we suggest you watching two new project’s videos. The first reel is very short and shows us the actors who have played the main roles in the film on the shooting area. And the second trailer titled The Road to Furious 7 demonstrates the really good cutting of the coolest moments of the franchise’s fifth and sixth parts. Enjoy!

Let us remind you that Furious 7 movie will hit the USA cinemas on the 3rd of April, 2015.