Metal Gear Solid 5 news: multiplayer mode, mobile devices, prologue

Metal Gear Solid 5 news: multiplayer mode, mobile devices, prologue by  6469 views

Last week Kojima company hit the headlines with the new character of Metal Gear Solid 5 game - sexy and lecherous sniper named Quiet. And today the developers also have something to say about game's multiplayer mode, new studio and other interesting things.

Quiet, about whom we reported earlier, has got not only positive responses. Most gamers think that she has useless costume and looks like a stripper, but not a sniper. However, Kojima doesn't want to change the created image and has decided to distract fans from this event by announcing multiplayer mode of Metal Gear Solid 5.

Metal Gear Online is being under development in the new Kojima studio opened in Los Angeles. Kojima thinks that Los Angeles is a heart of game development and a motherland of talented people, so in this city new studio of Japanese developer is going to be very cool and perspective.


The first project of American department is the online mode of Metal Gear Solid 5, which hasn't been presented to the public yet. However, Hideo Kojima - the director of the studio - according to his Twitter, thinks that Metal Gear Online looks very promising:


Also last week the developers announced that you will be able to use mobile devices and tablets to interact with the world of Metal Gear Solid 5. Moreover, it will be possible to create your own missions, using only a smartphone. The details of this exciting feature are coming later, most likely at the Tokyo Game Show that will take place later this month.

And at the end we would like to show you several new screenshots of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes - the prologue to MGS 5: The Phantom Pain that is under development now:




