Fresh Dragon Age: Inquisition screenshots show new location

Fresh Dragon Age: Inquisition screenshots show new location by  3026 views

The creators of Dragon Age franchise don’t sit idly by, but actively work on the next instalment in this RPG series and share with us some new information about it.

Thus, recently, BioWare company has published fresh Dragon Age: Inquisition screenshots, on which a new location, entitled Halamshiral, is depicted. Unlike some other territories, which were presented earlier and where different wars take place, this place and its citizens don’t feel any impact of these events. They live in a peace, give the balls and soirees, but even they will have to collide with the reality around them. The civil war in Orlais is now at an impasse, and so the heads of different factions have gathered in the Winter Palace in Halamshiral in order to find some peaceful solution of their problem.

According to the developers, Winter Palace is an incredibly beautiful structure built on ancient elven grounds. A costume party, on which you - the Inquisitor, - using different social tricks and finesses, will have to find and stop an assassin, will take place exactly in this Palace.

The main arena here is a very sightly ballroom, the walls and the ceiling of which are decorated with the various ornamental patterns and are gold-covered. The Winter Palace itself has been inspired by old French Versailles and gorgeous Buckingham Palaces, so you shouldn’t be surprised if you see some distinctive features of two abovementioned constructions. And in order you to be able to imagine, how this beautiful building will look like, we suggest you looking at fresh Dragon Age: Inquisition screenshots, published below.


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