Batman: Return to Arkham Screenshots Comparison

Batman: Return to Arkham Screenshots Comparison by  5752 views

As you’ve probably heard of latest Rocksteady news - Batman: Return to Arkham that had been remastered on Unreal Engine 4 comes out soon and the Batman: Return to Arkham trailer appeared already. Gamers are excited (we are too), and the most enthusiastic of them have already made a comparison between the old version and the refreshed one.


Both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were developed using Unreal Engine 3, but Chinese company Virtuous opted to use the latest version of Epic's game engine for its remasters.


Reddit user blackfire561 has taken a selection of scenes from Return to Arkham trailer and found the similar ones in the original versions. His labour wasn’t pointless and was one of the most popular attempts to show the difference. It’s definitely easier to compare if you see two pics close to each other, so check out the screenshots below.

The first two Batman Arkham games got much better reviews than developers expected. Everything was nearly perfect: impressive visuals, soundtrack, voice acting, fiendish puzzles, hard-hitting combat. The negative feedbacks simply dissolved in the good ones. It felt like developers really knew what they were doing, maybe the comics series meant something for them? And now this awesome and accurately made plot is being remastered with even better graphics! Well, enough talking, let’s see the pictures :)


Return to Arkham launches on July 26 and will cost $50/€50/£40.