Assassin’s Creed Victory - the next game in AC series will be released in 2015

Assassin’s Creed Victory - the next game in AC series will be released in 2015 by  4748 views

Despite the almost failed release of AC Unity, Ubisoft won’t stop launching the new titles in this action-adventure series for some time for sure. Because only yesterday, a couple of new project’s screenshots were leaked, and the insider of Kotaku portal shared the fresh information about the game titled Assassin’s Creed Victory and showed its first 7 minutes long gameplay video. But let’s talk about everything in order.

First of all, we’d like to tell you that yesterday a few hours after this leakage Ubisoft officially confirmed to PCGamer portal that Assassin’s Creed Victory game is really in works, and it has been being developed by Quebec’s team of the company.

Thus, Assassin’s Creed Victory game, which is under development for a couple of years, will hit the market the next fall on PC and the current-gen consoles. The project’s action will unfold in London in the period of Queen Victoria's reign from 1837 to 1901. It has also become known that the new game will use the same engine as AC Unity does - Anvil.

But that’s not all. As we’ve mentioned above, the Kotaku’s employees have managed to watch the first 7 minutes long gameplay video of the project. Thanks to this reel, we’ve got to know that so far the protagonist will be able to fight on the moving vehicles, and he will also have lots of new equipment, including a grappling hook, which will let him climb. 

And now, in order to help you imagine how the future Assassin’s Creed Victory game will look like, we offer you to look at its fresh screenshots:


Did you like these pictures? What do you think about the new project in AC series? We’ll be glad to get to know your opinion in the comments below.