Assassin's Creed: Unity game promises to have the incredible graphics

Assassin's Creed: Unity game promises to have the incredible graphics by  5700 views

If you are a true fan of Assassin's Creed game series and doggedly seek out any new information about at least one of the two planned instalments in this saga, then you know that last week Ubisoft presented the debut trailer of Assassin's Creed: Unity game. But you may not know which reaction it has caused. And we will tell you about it today.

Although the first Assassin's Creed: Unity trailer is quite short (it lasts only one minute), but even in this short period of time the players have managed to evaluate the incredibly high-quality graphics of the future project, have found out where the events of this action-adventure will unfold and who will become its protagonist. If you have suddenly missed this information, we will briefly tell you that the upcoming game will take place during the French Revolution (1789-1799), and the name of the protagonist is Arnaud. But the main thing, which has greatly surprised the fans of the series, is an incredibly realistic graphics. Many people did not believe that this game will have the same quality of the graphics, as it was shown in the video. But the developers have tried to assuage the fans’ doubts, having said that the first Assassin's Creed: Unity trailer was made on the base of the game’s alpha version (without any further treatment) and in the future, when there will be the beta and the final versions of the project, they intend to maintain the same quality of the graphics. In addition, taking into consideartion that Assassin's Creed: Unity game is being developed only for next-gen consoles and PC, this task can be realized.


But that's not all. The upcoming project, if you have noticed it in the video, is being created on the base of Unreal Engine 4, which is primarily dedicated for next-gen consoles, and thus it can offer a truly high-quality and realistic graphics to the gamers. And in order to prove it, an artist Christian Hecht has created a short video (based on this engine, of course), which has shown more detailed ballroom demonstrated in the debut Assassin's Creed: Unity trailer. Watch it with your own eyes. You will be impressed.

Assassin's Creed: Unity game is to be launched this year, although its exact release date is unknown yet.