As we already know, Destiny 2 release date is September 6th on consoles and October 24 for PC. And Bungie announced the Destiny 2 open beta for ALL the platforms! That means everyone will be pleased :) however, beta lasts only for a couple of days, and it’s usually not enough to fully enjoy the game, as you really don’t know what to expect from it, and due to the lack of time. So we’re about to make a Destiny 2 beta test preview so you would know what to take into attention.

Destiny 2 beta schedule:
If you’re barely orienting in time zones (duh, it takes me forever to make it clear) — just click the link on timings and you’ll be redirected to the page showing the exact time for the time zone you’re in. Technologies…
Destiny 2 beta – PS4 start times
Pre-order early access: July 18 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET/6:00 pm BST (Today!)
General access: July 21 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET/6:00 pm BST
Destiny 2 beta – Xbox One start times
Pre-order early access: July 19 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET/6:00 pm BST
General access: July 21 10:00 am PT/1:00 pm ET/6:00 pm BST
Destiny 2 beta – PC
Pre-order early access: “late August”
General access: “late August”
For consoles, it ends July 23. However, we can expect the duration increasing. Let’s wait for more news!

Here’s what awaits in Destiny 2 beta:
- Homecoming. The opening mission and cinematics from Destiny 2’s Red War story campaign (available only in singleplayer mode)
- Countdown game mode (Attack/Defend the base)
- Control game mod (Control the zones)
- The Inverted Spire: Start with two allies you invite, or let Matchmaking find a company for you.
- New Subclasses: Choose from the Dawnblade Warlock, Arcstrider Hunter, or Sentinel Titan.
What’s Destiny 2 beta download size?
15GB for the PS4 beta, and 13GB on Xbox One. Although on Xbox One, you only need to free up 13GB, on PS4, you’ll need at least 30GB of spare space.
How can I get Destiny 2 beta code?
Seems like these beta codes are not easy to get, and there were some problems with them. Let’s see what you need to do to get the Destiny 2 beta code:
- If Destiny 2 is pre-ordered and you didn’t receive the code on email — contact your retailer.
- Log/join to with your console ID, go to the menu in the top right to find the beta codes redemption screen.
- If redirection did not happen, go to your profile (top right). Search the Codes section in the menu along the top of your profile.
- Reached the Codes screen? There’s a section devoted to the Destiny 2 beta. Pick the platform and region, and redeem a console network code.
- Note: if you live in Australia, New Zealand or another PAL territory and are playing on PS4, select “Europe” when choosing your region.
- Redeem your console code on the PlayStation Store or Xbox Live Marketplace
- Download the Destiny 2 beta

Can anything go wrong during the Destiny 2 beta?
Hopefully, it won’t. Just not to get confused — check out the list of problems you may encounter in Destiny 2 beta.
Everything about Destiny 2 beta gameplay
This part will help you navigate through all the cool stuff Destiny 2 beta proposes and not to get lost in it. There’s not much time to mess around and test every single option. Read the following tips, decide what you’d like to focus on, and start playing!
Make sure you’ve chosen the right class
Now it’s known that three classes will be available: Titan, Warlock, and Hunter. To do things the best you can you’ll need to know what’s exactly the difference between those three. Armour, mobility abilities, items and melee animations are different. It’s all about skills.

Titan — Armor
The coolest skill they got is armor, and it’s not only for a person who plays as Titan. Since Destiny 2 is a coop game, you can provide block (Barrier) for your teammates, as it was demonstrated in the very first Destiny 2 trailer. Titans also have a boost that carries them through the air, like jetpack (but for a shorter distance).
Warlock — Support
This class has the lightest armor between all existing classes in Destiny 2. Warlocks can deal heavy damage from a longer distance, and their mobility ability — hovering glide — permits them to stay floating longer than other classes. The class skill — Rift placement — can buff themselves or their teammates by healing or growing the outcoming damage.
Hunter — Probably, stealth
Hunter’s armor is medium, they are into knives (as their melee is a stab). They can also perform the double jump and dodging/aiming while they’re in the air. One of the coolest options is that they may escape the incoming damage while jumping. So, they are more like solo players, like snipers that deny camping. If you use the class bonus properly, you can get bonuses to reduce the melee skill cooldown or reloading weapons.

Are there any subclasses in Destiny 2 beta?
Commonly, players keep up to their classes and can unlock and change subclasses. Then there’s the system — earning experience and upgrading your subclass. Each subclass in Destiny 2 differentiates with super abilities, grenade types and other bonuses that make certain subclass unique.
After Destiny 2 release date there will be 6 subclasses. During Destiny 2 beta you’ll be able to test 3 of them:
Titan: Striker (Arc)
Hunter: Gunslinger (Solar)
Warlock: Voidwalker (Void)
Unfortunately, you won’t be able to test the full skill tree for each subclass. However, you’ll have an opportunity to test the gaming mechanics of each class, which is pretty good for the beta test.
Which class should I pay attention to during the Destiny 2 beta?
Two days would be enough to get to know all three available classes. However, you can choose one class and gain experience for it. Depends on what role do you prefer while playing FPS games?
If you like to grab the weapon, have enough armor not to die in a few moments and strike the enemy right to their forehead — you need to pick Titan. I would. That’s definitely the grateful class to play (personally for me).
If you prefer calmer and deadlier gameplay — choose Warlock. Slow and steady wins the race, as we all know. Plus, someone needs to heal the teammates. That could be you :)
If you don’t like these first options you can go with Hunter: explore your stealth skills and sly, unexpected attacks.
Basically, that’s all for now. Expect Destiny 2 beta review and impressions just as it comes to the end!